Reg. no.: NL.5972
Summary of Product Characteristics:
- Trade name of the medicinal product: VETERINAIR
- Qualitative and quantitative composition: Veterinair is 100% activated carbon (C), and complies with the US Food Chemical Codex (4th ed. 1996).
- Pharmaceutical form: Powder
- Pharmacological properties: Veterinair is a vegetable-based adsorptive carbon, which is able to adsorb any harmful or undesirable substances that may be present in the gastro-intestinal tract.
- Clinical particulars:
5.0 Target animals: Horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, dogs, cat, poultry and birds.
5.1 Indications: An aid in the treatment of poisoning and diarrhea - e.g. as a result of food poisoning - for all of the named target species.
5.2 Contra-indications: The veterinary surgeon should be alerted immediately in the event of poisoning. Consult the veterinary surgeon if diarrhea symptoms persist or recur. The use of Veterinair can result in nonabsorption (or else inadequate absorption) of certain medicaments or feed components. If in doubt, consult the veterinary surgeon.
5.3 Undesirable effects: Use of this preparation will produce black faeces.
5.4 Special warnings and special precautions for use: None.
5.5. Use during pregnancy and lactation: This medicinal product can (as far as is known) be used during pregnancy without any difficulties, providing it is used as directed.
5.6 Interactions: Concomitant treatment with certain medicaments (especially oestrus suppressants) may result in the latter not being absorbed, or being inadequately absorbed.
5.7 Posology and administration: Diarrhea
Horses, cattle 50 - 200 g
Foals, calves, pigs, sheep, goats 15 - 50 g
Piglets, lambs, dogs, cats 3 - 10 g
Poultry, birds 1 - 2 g
Poisoning .75 g per kg body-weight.
Method of administration:- oral administration, preferably in the feed, drinking water or milk.
5.8 Overdose (symptoms and measures): Not applicable.
5.9 Special warnings for the target animals: None.
5.10 Withdrawal periods: Zero days.
5.11 Special warnings for operators: None.
- Pharmaceutical properties:
6.1 Incompatibilities: None.
6.2 Shelf-life: In excess of 3 years.
6.3 Special precautions for storage: Keep well sealed during storage.
6.4 Special precautions for the disposal of unused product and/or waste products: Not applicable.
Infosheet: Issue Info53-00/04-99/Veterinair