Pure Non-Scents® Face Mask Ag+ (Silver Impregnated)- 1 Mask (BLACK)

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Pure Non-Scents® Charcoal Face Masks provide exceptional protection against air pollution including VOCs.

Antibacterial PNS face mask in hospital setting.Pure Non-Scents® Ag+ Activated Carbon Cloth Face Masks let you breathe inside when breathing outside is unpleasant, obnoxious, or downright unhealthy.

The Pure Non-Scents® Ag+ CHARCOAL FACE MASK protects against virus outbreaks as it is specially impregnated with silver. Applications are numerous, from hospital workers, homemakers, athletes, those in environmentally risky conditions, smoke allergies, sufferers of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), travelers, wherever fresh clean air is not available, the Pure Non-Scents® CHARCOAL FACE MASK can purify the air for you to breathe safely.

Light, comfortable, perfect for most health care applications giving exceptional protection against odors and VOCs (volatile organic compounds - see Link below). But that's not all.


Smoke and smog, fragrance chemicals and baby diapers, beauty salons and airplane air, diesel fumes and hospital laser plume, cow barns, and photo labs, from downtown LA to Khatmandu, these fit-in-your-pocket face masks give instant breathable relief.

Leaving on a jet plane, heading out into rush hour traffic, visiting sick friends, why not tuck one of these Pure Non-Scents® Face Masks (with activated Carbcloth™ nano-technology) into your travel kit, glove compartment, or purse.


"Thank you! My sister, who suffers severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, has just been on her first airplane journey in over 20 years. Your masks helped tremendously. Thank you!"


Activated Charcoal works in military chemical masks, NIOSH respirators, commercial smoke eaters, and it works in Pure Non-Scents® Face Masks too!!

Used in hospitals and chemistry labs, printing, photography, and welding shops, ceramic and plastic manufacturers.

***It should be standard equipment for all contaminated site inspection and cleanup crews - such as those who lived or worked near the GULF O

PNS Silver impregnated activated carbon cloth face mask



To extend the lifespan, place the mask in an airtight container such as a sealed glass jar when not in use. Write on the mask or jar the beginning date to help you keep track of how long it has been in use.

For more Information, see Technical Data.


Pure Non-Scents® Ag+ Activated Carbon Cloth Face Mask

Pure Non-Scents® Ag+ CHARCOAL FACE MASK is made with a unique activated charcoal/carbon fabric with a micro-porous structure, which is ideal for adsorption of toxic odors, chemicals, noxious fragrances, gasses, solvents, and smoke. The Pure Non-Scents® CHARCOAL FACE MASK is manufactured using 100% activated carbon cloth. More than that...

Antibacterial PNS face mask in hospital setting.

The Pure Non-Scents® Ag+ CHARCOAL FACE MASK protects against virus outbreaks as it is specially impregnated with medica

l grade silver (Ag). Applications are numerous, from hospital workers, homemakers, athletes, those in environmentally risky conditions, smoke allergies, sufferers of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), travelers, wherever fresh clean air is not available, the Pure Non-Scents® CHARCOAL FACE MASK can purify the air for you to breathe safely.

A mask that protects this well,

 would at one time have been huge and bulky, but now you can slip one in your pocket or handbag and be confident that you have what you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from any foul and dangerous air.

  • Odor control and particulate removal
  • Organic vapor adsorption (nuisance level vapors – not oxygen deficient areas)
  • Low breathing resistance
  • Comfortable

Typical vapors adsorbed:

General – Chemical, Human, Animal

Alcohols – Methanol, IPA

Ethers – Methyl, Ethyl, Butyl

Aromatic Hydrocarbons – Benzene, Toluene, Xylene

Nitrogen Compounds – Aniline, Nitrobenzene

Acids – Acetic, Acrylic, Formic, Lactic

Aldehydes/ Keytones  - Glutaraldehyde, Acetone

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons – Acetylene, Pentane

Halogens – Carbon Tetrachloride, Iodine, Trichloroethylene

Sulfur Compounds – Carbon Disulphide, Mercaptans





Industry Conservation 

Laser surgery

Dental Surgeons Printing Museums

Recovery Rooms



Art Galleries


Nurses Ceramics Restorers

Glutaraldehyde sterilization


X-ray Processing




Estates Department



Deann has (MCS) Multiply Chemical Sensitivity. She has had to wear a cumbersome 3M cannister mask everywhere she went, until....

"It (MCS) is horrible, although it does allow me to go out in public. Whenever I was outdoors and smelt anything, I had to put that big mask on. It has been a problem for me because Ireact to that big mask and after an hour I began to get sick Silver PNS Face Mask

from the mask. This is why I looked for an alternative mask one that was light and easy to wear one that would not make me sick and one that would keep most all smells and chemicals away.

I bought a Pure Non-Scents® Mask from you and I have been impressed. This mask works much better at keeping odors out however it is not washable and so I store it in a glass jar when I am not wearing it. I will be ordering another one because I feel it is important to have a replacement on hand at all times. It fits well and it is light and easy to wear. Although I have only been able to wear it Using PNS mask for laundry detergent fragrances

out a couple of times, I feel it will do a really good job of keeping odors out in a few of the places I am able to go. I do however have to keep the big 3M mask with the respirators for when I have to go into places I am sure are more toxic. Over all I love the masks and I plan on using them frequently. I have yet to have an ill effect from wearing the masks which was what I was looking for."

Thanks, Deann  May, 2008 



Pure Non-Scents® Hg+ Activatad Carbon Cloth Face Mask

Copyright © 2006-2024 by Charcoal House LLC. Please contact us for reproduction permission: editor@buyactivatedcharcoal.com

Special limited - Time offer

  • Good for:
  • Insect Bites
  • Minor Burns
  • Bruises
  • Poison Ivy

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