Hi, do you have any information/links on using activated charcoal for kidney health, kidney disease, pain in kidney's, kidney infection & other issues with kidney's? -David
Hi David.
You can find charcoal testimonies for kidneys on our site charcoalremedies such as this one on
kidney disease.
Here is a short testimony from Wendy who used activated charcoal for kidney pain
Since young, I have had kidney pain in the morning, abnormal urine analysis, a lot of blood in the urine (can be seen with the eyes), and more.

After being on Activated Charcoal for approx. 3 months, I noticed that there was a lot less blood in my urine and at times, none at all! When seeing my ND, again, a urine analysis was done ~ NO BLOOD! That is the first one that I have ever had in my whole life, since testing, that I have not had blood in my urine!! I teared as well as my ND. “Keep up the AC”, I was told...”keep it up, Wendy!”
(because of the volume of blood in my urine I've had many tests ~ which made me extremely ill) Found on this page.
Also check out these other blog posts
Hope this helps!
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