Activated Charcoal for a Strange Rash

On April 28th, 2020, I noticed my Dad favoring his arm, and upon closer inspection realized that he had a rash that covered much of his forearm. The rash was moist, red and itched. My Dad is a medical doctor (general practitioner), and he had been applying antibiotics prior to this to no avail.

He isn't sure what caused the rash, but noted that it appeared within one or two days after treating his first COVID patient. The poor lady would eventually succumb to the illness. According to the COVID symptom study, as many as 20 percent of COVID cases involve skin rashes as a "strange symptom."

Activated Charcoal Poultice Relieves Itching from Rash

Amazingly, he let me try a charcoal poultice on him. That was about 1:00 in the wee hours of the morning on April 28th. When he arrived home from work later that day about 5:30 pm, he asked for another poultice. Apparently the poultice helped with the itching. So I removed the old one and applied the new, imagine that, I am doctoring my dad the doctor!

The next day I mixed colloidal silver, 15ppm, in place of using plain water. For some reason, it itched even more, and he asked for just the regular charcoal poultice made with just water and ground flax seed.

How to make a Poultice

Success in Just 5 Days

My Dad's rash went away after about five days. UNFORTUNATELY, I wasn't as diligent as I should have been about taking pictures. I took a picture today, and it is for the most part healed, although there are some small scars that he says will go away in time.

I am so glad we had the charcoal on hand. My toddler son Willie, has managed to get into toxic products from either under the kitchen sink or in Grandma's room (Vics Vapor Rub), and I believe charcoal has saved us on a number of occasions, THANK GOD.

-Chris (Former Charcoal House Employee

*some restrictions apply, discount not available on air purifying face masks or activated CarboCloth