Remove Allergens and Airborne Molds
Activated charcoal is ideal to remove allergens and airborne molds.
Hi folks, your site is most interesting. I ran across it doing a search - I had found an article about using activated bamboo charcoal to remove allergens and airborne molds. Can activated charcoal do this? or is this specific to bamboo? - Mary
Hi Mary.
Yes, activated charcoal is ideal to remove allergens and airborne molds and no it is not restricted to bamboo activated charcoals. In fact we carry bamboo stalks on our website for doing just that.
As the saying goes 'when in France, do as the French do,' sort of holds true for activated charcoal as well. Where bamboo is prevalent people use the bamboo for removing odors, allergens and airborne molds as well as many other things such as face masks, soaps, baked goods and even as a natural remedy of which for all the above it will perform very well. Then of course where coconut is abundant they will use all the above mentioned with coconut shell activated charcoal.
Now here is the question, is one more effective than the other? For some things yes and some things no. Each charcoal (also known as carbon) has its unique strengths and in the case of the bamboo versus the coconut shell for odors, coconut comes out as the champion when it is put to the lab tests and that is why Charcoal House uses charcoal made from coconut shell in their Pure NonScents!
I hope this helped!
Kind regards, Kimberly
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