Ah, summer at last, when we all try to take advantage of the great outdoors. Planting, gardening, and other typical yard work is what a lot of us witness going on in our neighborhoods. We all look forward to the gardens bounty because well... nothing beats fresh fruits and vegetables, right? Furthermore, we long for the plush green lawns and the colorful flowers free of weeds and other pesky nuisances. We are taking this opportunity to answer some of your questions we often receive about how charcoal can be used to purify your outdoor spaces and increase your yields, be it a garden or a farm.

Why is Charcoal Good For The Soil?

Having those lush green yards where you can walk and run barefoot depending where you live, can cost a pretty penny, but the worst price we pay is with our health if our lawn has been treated with chemicals. To combat the weeds, thorns and unwanted insects and critters, the majority of people use chemicals to keep them at bay. These powerful chemicals can wreak havoc on our health and our ecosystem. They are not safe for our pets or children to run and play in and they certainly aren’t safe for the necessary pollinators and other needful insects that keeps our precious earth in balance. Thankfully activated charcoal can quickly and effectively neutralize these toxins making your yard not only safe for you and your loved ones, but beautiful as well without having to break the piggy bank.

Charcoal Soil Applications

Charcoal comes in powder, granular and in a mixed media which is a combination of powder and small and large pieces. The granular and mixed media you can simply add directly to the soil and till it in as a soil additive and gradual detoxing. To quickly and effectively removing herbicides and other unwanted toxins the Soil Detox Powder is your best choice, however this needs to be applied wet, mixing it with water and either spraying it on or pouring it direct from the pail. The beauty of activated charcoal is that you cannot over apply and that it will continue work detoxing the soil every time it rains or you water, it will keep going deeper into the earth.

Products and Uses

Soil Dtox

Comes in a granular as well as a powder and can be mixed in, sprinkled, or sprayed on in the form of slurry. Its’ main objective is to effectively adsorb hundreds of natural and man made toxins such as herbicides, pesticide, fungicides, plant toxins (such as Juglone) as well as chemical spills.

Bio Char

Is a non-activated charcoal product that has may or may not be mixed organic compost. This product improves soil drainage, reduces soil compaction, increases nutrient cycling, gives greater retention of water in dry soils, improves germination, improves plant resistance to fungal disease, root feeding nematodes and insect infestations.

Charcoal Green Potting Soil

Has all of the previously mentioned benefits all rolled into a handy and ready to use potting soil. Follow the link to review our products and view testimonies from real customers on how Activated Charcoal purified their soil, increased their crops, and increased the size and vibrancy of their flowers https://www.charcoalhouse.com/store/soil.html . To review testimonials and see side by side comparisons visit our website titled Charcoal Remedies http://www.charcoalremedies.com/agriculture