Question: Hello.
I would like to buy some Bone Char from your website, would you mind answering a few questions first please?
The Bone Char is needed to filter Fluoride from a domestic UK Tap water supply.  What size grain do you recommend, 20x60 or 8x24?  Can I make my own water filter by filling some Muslin cloth with the Char and suspending it in the Tap water, thus purifying the water?Bone-Char-8x24-Family-Picture-500x500
I don't want to connect any filters to pipes or taps, nothing expensive or complicated, just pour regular Tap water into a container then filter it with the Bone Char.
I hope to place my order with you as soon as possible.
Kind regards.
Hi Tom. The best size would be the 8x24 and yes you can make your own simple filter with a muslin cloth. I would recommend rinsing the cloth and drying it and then iron it to sterilize it before making a filter pouch. Kind regards, Kimberly
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