Charcoal question answered. Question: Hi, Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines? I'm concerned about the impact the charcoal would have on the medicine in the digestive system at the same time. I'm a big believer in the benefits of charcoal but want to ensure it doesn't detract from the full impact of necessary medicine. Thank you. Answer:  Hi, this is commonly asked question and a great concern to those that are taking Activated charcoal is designed in such a way that it electrostatically attracts certain chemicals and micro-organisms. As a group, most compounds that are poisonous to the body are attracted to charcoal. Because most drugs are electro-chemically configured in a way similar to poisons and other toxic compounds, activated medicinal charcoal taken orally will often adsorb prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs. This is both a desirable and undesirable effect. On the positive side, because of its strong attraction to many drugs, activated charcoal is used daily in Emergency Rooms to counteract the effects of poisoning from overdosing on medication, whether accidentally or intentionally (as in attempted suicide). Activated charcoal is also used in many different detox programs to adsorb the accumulation of drugs in the body (prescription or street). This prepares the individual to receive the benefits of a more holistic approach to recovering health without the body also having to cope with the side effects of poisonous drugs. On the other hand, if there is any concern that activated charcoal will interfere with the desired effect of prescription or non-prescription drugs, it is recommended to take activated charcoal no closer than 1 to 1½ hours before or 1 to 1½ after taking drug medication.  But of course, one should always check with their primary health care provider before doing so and also a quick check with your pharmacist is also helpful.
Kind regards, Kimberly
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