[caption id="attachment_1507" align="aligncenter" width="534"]How I like to view recipes How I like to look at recipes[/caption]

Digestive aid Cookies Recipe

Kimberly from BuyActivatedCharcoal.com demonstrates how to use activated charcoal to make cookies cookies The Detox 1600 coconut shell activated charcoal powder is great for this use. For more videos from Buyactivatedcharcoal.com click here
Activated Charcoal Cookies - AKA Sweet Digestive Aid

CClick here for the Recipe slideshow.

Learn how to make your own in the above slideshow, or you can scroll down below, to the updated easier to use printable version. [gallery link="none" columns="4" type="circle" ids="319,320,318,314"]
[gallery type="circle" link="none" ids="1592,1498,1591"]
Buy Detox 1600 activated charcoal powder
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