Hi Kimberly!
We need AC to blend in with our alkaline water products, so the powder has to be easily resolved in water.
What kind of AC powder do you recommend to use in such products? What defines the charcoal to be used in such products?
Kindly regards,black-water
Hi Pablo.
Activated charcoal is not soluble, meaning that it does not dissolve in water (even though it looks like it when well mixed) it is only suspended, which means that it will eventually sink to the bottom of the cup or jar.  Our Coconut Activated Charcoal Ultra Fine Powder can be purchased in larger amounts and is the most popular powder we sell for juice bars.
In answer to your question 'what defines the charcoal to be used in such products,' I would say that you want it to be food grade obviously and also a very fine powder so that there is no grit left in the mouth. Two other activated charcoal powders that would work well would be the Bamboo Activated Charcoal Powder and the DETOX 1600 Activated Charcoal Powder.
Other blog posts you might want to read:
I hope this helps! Kind regards,
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