If horses could talk, Jay would give a resounding “YES!” Here is Phoebe’s story from Belize:

WARNING: This article contains some graphic images that may disturb some readers. Discretion is advised.

Jay's Story

Our neighbor needed help. A truck had hit his best horse and the veterinarian refused to come see a horse that would soon die. After a suggestion from one of the missionary’s daughters, it was decided to do a charcoal poultice on the horse. The accident had happened many hours before we were able to start treatments. The horse, Jay, had a fever and was not doing well.


Jay's Treatment

After cleaning up the large, open wound on his torso, and the many smaller wounds on his legs and face, we were able to get a monster-sized charcoal poultice made up. The charcoal reduced Jay’s fever and he started acting like his normal, curious self.

He had to be tied up because he was trying to bite the poultices off. This was a very messy job, but 2 times a day the wound had to be cleaned and re-bandaged. The owners learned how to do the treatment, but we continued to visit with our friends.

Obviously it was not just a one time poultice. However, when they saw how Jay was responding positively and feeling better, it encouraged them to keep applying the poultices; which in the case of a large horse is a lot of work.


Jay's Recovery

Jay was hit on February 4, 2013 and by July 25, 2013 (less than 6 months) his wound was completely closed up (see attached photos). He never went to the doctor and he never got stitches. With many prayers and lots of messy bandage changes he was able to recover from his accident. Jay is now, four years later, one of our neighbor’s best horses and continues to be a joy for the missionary kids to ride.

In a day of instant gratification and quick fixes, natural remedies for some are not as appealing because it takes times and effort. As you can see with Jay and his owner, it was certainly worth the effort and the results are undeniable. Plus, it is important to note, Jay received no antibiotics or stitches during this process and his body healed itself, just as his Creator designed.

Amazing Charcoal!

It can pull toxins from deep tissue and holds them so that they will not be reabsorbed by the body. Our statement on activated charcoal is ‘Charcoal does not heal anything. The charcoal adsorbs the toxins and poisons from the body and then, because our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made, they heal themselves, as they were so designed.’ It is really that simple, however, the creative power behind it escapes my comprehension but not my gratitude.

Kimberly, Charcoal House LLC 2019.