I have chronic hepC and I have been doing a cleanse, as I do every few months, but my hepC is still there. For the last 3 months I have had to have blood work from my doc, and I keep getting the same results, abnormal liver function and abnormal electrolytes. They say my sodium is low. They say it's because I drink too much water. But I haven't changed my habits any.I heard it could be caused by kidney function.
Ii wanted to know if you could help,I am in a lot of pain in my liver.
I bought a pound of charcoal. I have used it when sick, or bloated. Can it help rid me of hepC? My daughter in law wants me to go to liver doc for the new cure, I want to do it naturally.
Thank you for contacting us.
We often tell people we don’t believe charcoal cures anything. What we know is that
charcoal does adsorb thousands of different toxins, which relieves the body to heal itself as the Creator designed it to do. Activated charcoal is used in liver and kidney dialysis machines to help filter blood when those organs are not functioning properly. With hepatitis, jaundice, cirrhosis, cancers, kidney failure, the organs are not filtering properly, and activated charcoal should definitely be considered. There is enough research to justify using charcoal either internally, or externally as
poultices over the organs. Please refer to the following links. You can also do a SEARCH on our website for various testimonies.
I hope this is helpful. We would appreciate hearing back from you. Please let us know how your tests turn out after 4-6 weeks.
John Dinsley
Customer Support