Are You Missing Out on Charcoal Because It's Messy?
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a fan of charcoal. I use it any opportunity I can, but, there are those occasions that I lack the desire because I know it will be 'too messy', well not any more!
My daughter was suffering from
Colic. I knew I needed to either put a charcoal poultice over the stomach, which can be hard to do on a screaming baby if you don't have help, or, give her
ColicCalm, a process just as difficult sometimes if you wait too long and the baby is screaming to high heaven. I decided on the ColicCalm and gave it to her via syringe, and it looked like I got more on her clothes...but, it did the trick and after about 15 minutes she began to relax.
However, I was so sad to see that I got the Charcoal on the collar of her brand new onesie, and on her baby pink changing pad cover.
What Can I Use to Remove Activated Charcoal Stains?
I came into work and was discussing the unfortunate events of how my baby wasn't feeling good and how I ruined her new clothes with Activated Charcoal. I was surprised when Kimberly looked at me around her computer and said, "just use the
Puracy Stain Remover." I must have looked a little dumbfounded, and she suddenly disappeared, and the next time I saw her she handed me a bottle of the Puracy Stain Remover to give it a try.
I had already washed the changing pad cover and I did not have much hope for it to come out clean, given the stains were now 'set'.
But with a whole lot of hope, I followed the instructions on the bottle. I was absolutely amazed - the stains came out,
all of them, they just disappeared! Their slogan is "The best natural stain remover for impossible stains" and we think they are right.
Kimberly and I use this on more than just clothes, we use it on bedding, linens, bathroom rugs (
after charcoal baths!) the living room, etc., it really works.