Hi Charcoal fans, I wanted to update you with part of an email I got from Kimberly about her's & Jon's trip to India & if the internet connection stays good she will be updating me with more to share with you.
Kimberly: Well, we are in India! We arrived on Tuesday morning, which would have been Monday evening around 5 PM back home. We have spent the last couple of days resting in a hotel trying to get adjusted to the time change.
Today we are going to be staying on the grounds for where we put on our first program. It will run all day Friday, Saturday and then on Sunday. From there we go to our host's home and then we take a train mid week to another venue in another State. We will be there till Tuesday I believe and then come back and do more programs here.
So as soon as Kimberly can she will update me with some great experiences I am sure & I will bring them to you here at the blog. I know everyone will be happy to hear all about it, so stay tuned here.