Charcoal Capsules, A Real Life Saver!

Snow bird, Marti, was down in Mexico in a quaint hotel escaping the harsh Minnesota winter.  One day while talking with Joel, the young man who worked at the front desk, she commented that he did not look well, which he adamantly confirmed. As he explained his symptoms she said “I bet you have food poisoning, I have some charcoal capsules for you to take, that will work,” but he said “no, all I have had so far today is a coke.” Marti was sure it was food poisoning so she ran upstairs, grabbed some Charcoal House activated charcoal capsules and handed them to him and being that she was a long time customer, he trusted her and ingested the capsules.
Never leave home without activated charcoal!
However, because he was feeling so poorly he had called his friend prior to take him to the hospital, where they did a blood test. Turns out that the coke he had been gifted from one of the ‘guests’ in the hotel’s bar had spiked his drink with a high dose of  psychotropic meds. The attending doctor was amazed that he had actually taken charcoal and told him that he got it no doubt had saved his life.  Never leave home without activated charcoal!
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