Testimonial from our customer Louise's.

Happy Soil D-Tox Customer gets Results.
Soil D-Tox Works: So excited to get the new driveway, but Preen was applied to the newly cultivated area... Nothing grew... A muddy mess... I applied Soil D-Tox as directed and watered it generously. The charcoal neutralized the Preen, as the manufacturer stated it would... WE HAVE GRASS after only 3 weeks! Below are the pictures of grass growing after being treated with Soil D-Tox the band along the driveway was dead due to an application of Preen. Check out the before & After
Another Soil D-Tox success!
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And make sure to check out our websites: Buyactivatedcharcoal.com and CharcoalHouse.com And on social media also: Facebook @buyactivatedcharcoalcom Instagram @buyactivatedcharcoal Twitter @charcoalremedy Pinterest 
Learn other ways to use activated charcoal by searching the blog CharcoalTimes.com