Activated Charcoal, Apple, Banana, and Peanut Butter

Its no surprise that our four legged furry family members love treats just as much as we do. This frozen treat is perfect for settling upset tummies, relieving gas, or just for healthy fun on a hot day. With only 4 ingredients it’s a no brainer to try!

Here’s what you’ll need:

You can purchase our VetDtox powder, follow the link below


2 Large Overripe Bananas

1 Cup Unsweetened Apple Sauce

¼ Cup Peanut Butter

3 Tablespoons VetDtox™ Activated Charcoal Powder


Mixer or Food Processor

Silicone mold or ice cube tray

What You’ll Do:


  1. Place the first three ingredients inside the mixer/mixing bowl and mix working up to a medium speed until all ingredients are well combined.
  2. Turn Mixer off and remove beaters from the mixture. Slowly fold in Vet Dtox powder one tablespoon at a time using the rubber spatula until mostly combined (the powder is very fine, slowly folding it in will keep the fine dust from mushrooming out of the mixing bowl and expelling all over the counters and etc.)
  3. Once the charcoal powder is mostly combined, return the mixer to the bowl, onto the slowest setting mix in 15-second increments and slowly increase the speed until all the powder has been combined and a mostly smooth consistency has been reached- about two minutes.
  4. Carefully drop the mixture into the ice cube/ silicone tray by spoonfuls. This amount should fill about two trays. (I used one silicon tray and then spread the remaining mixture onto a lined cookie sheet in an even layer to cut into blocks and save for later).
  5. Place in the freezer for at least 4-5 hours or until completely set. It is fine to pop them out as needed from the mold/tray for convenience. Otherwise, pop them out and store them in a baggie in the freezer.