Activated Charcoal for Poisoning

  1. Activated Charcoal Holiday Tips

    Activated Charcoal Holiday Tips
    The Holiday Season is here and with it comes bounties of food, fun, and family. Keep your festivities merry and bright with these quick tips. Also take advantage of our Coupon Code HARDWOOD10 and receive 10% off any hardwood powder (valid until 12/01/19) Activated Charcoal For Removing Pesticides From Fresh Produce This is nothing new for us to talk about...
  2. A Chili Experience With Charcoal

    A Chili Experience With Charcoal
    Chili, also affectionately referred to as PT, ‘Princess Trouble,’ was sitting forlorn outside our back door next to a huge mess, she had just vomited. I had just arrived home from grocery shopping and knew instinctively that my husband was in the house cleaning up more messes and had set her outside. One Sick Kitty I had noticed late in the...

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