
  1. Does Charcoal Work for Radiation and Chemo?

    Does Charcoal Work for Radiation and Chemo?
    A dear mother of a young woman with a glioblastoma tumor in her frontal lobe, called this past summer wondering if charcoal would be helpful in counteracting the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. To date, in less than two years, her daughter had undergone two surgeries. The glioblastoma, being the most aggressive brain cancer, the doctors had determined that...
  2. Newsletter December 2017 - Testimonials - Activated Charcoal

    Newsletter December 2017 - Testimonials - Activated Charcoal
    Newsletter December 2017 Newsletter: Here we are, almost at the threshold of yet another new year, a time to reflect on our blessings and reconcile with our losses. Truly we are grateful for you, and we thank our longtime faithful customers and our newest ones as well. Thank you for your loyalty, for choosing us as your source for quality...

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