
  1. From a Muddy Mess to Beautiful Grass - Soil D-Tox™ for the Win!

    From a Muddy Mess to Beautiful Grass -  Soil D-Tox™ for the Win!
    Testimonial from our customer Louise's. Happy Soil D-Tox™ Customer gets Results. Soil D-Tox™ Works: So excited to get the new driveway, but Preen was applied to the newly cultivated area... Nothing grew... A muddy mess... I applied Soil D-Tox™ as directed and watered it generously. Continue reading →
  2. Neutralize Herbicide killing Lawn Grass

    Neutralize Herbicide killing Lawn Grass
    Neutralize Question: Hello.  I have recently spread Herbicide and went to wash of the spreader. The wash off got into my lawn grass and is now killing it. Need to neutralize the soil and I am looking for some help. Thanks you. Answer: Hi. You would need the Soil Detox Wood base for this use. You will need to mix it...

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