
  1. Can I Reactivate My Charcoal? Do I just put it in the sun, but for how long?

    Can I Reactivate My Charcoal? Do I just put it in the sun, but for how long?
    Can I reactivate my charcoal? The simple answer is yes, activated charcoal can be regenerated and of course people are interested in knowing how. First, let's start at the beginning as to how charcoal is activated. How is Charcoal Activated ? There are two basic methods of activation - steam or chemical activation. Steam Activated Charcoal Steam-activation is primarily used...
  2. Q & A: Renewing Granulated Activated Charcoal

    Q & A: Renewing Granulated Activated Charcoal
    Charcoal question answered. Hi Buyactivatedcharcaol! I had a question on the granulated activated charcoal, the Pure Non-Scents as well as other granulated varieties. Q: Can they be washed to "renew" their absorption power? A: No. Q: I ask, as I have a couple Sharp Plasmaclusters, and they have a carbon filter which is washables, and the instructions say to wash...

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