I had been searching high and low for a simple, natural and effective facial mask. Activated charcoal is all the rage and despite the potential mess, the benefits are overwhelming. The applications are endless and so began my research and testing various different ingredients.
Activated Charcoal for Skin Care
I tested charcoal with clay and water and oils and so on... Nothing that I tried or found worked very well at all. My skin is sensitive and I just wanted something simple. Talking to Kimberly, she mentioned a video she made about Activated Charcoal and Skin Care. I have to say I was skeptical... I thought to myself, "there is no way that it is this easy." Boy was I completely wrong!
Simple Ingredients that Work
Activated Charcoal for Sensitive Skin
Hardwood Charcoal Powder and Lilly of the Desert Aloe Vera Gelly were the only two ingredients I needed and my face felt amazing. I washed it off in the shower with such ease I just couldn't believe it. My sensitive skin had no reaction. And, it took me less than 5 minutes to make; I am looking forward to making this a regular part of my beauty routine.
An expert tip from Kimberly is to leave the mixture on for up to 40 minutes. The longer you can stand to keep it on, the better. Finish your beauty routine by moisturizing with an organic coconut oil.
-Devon 2019
Charcoal Time Categories
We do not believe charcoal [activated charcoal] CURES any disease common to man or animals. Charcoal is a natural remedy that does neutralize, adsorb, and/or remove thousands of different biological or man-made poisons from the body, allowing the body to better heal itself the way the Creator designed it to. Charcoal House LLC.
[But our websites, and hundreds of personal testimonies and research articles have gone a long ways to "cure" a lot of skeptics]