Brown Recluse Spider Bite On Horse Turns Around Quickly With VetDtox (Activated Charcoal For Pets And Livestock)

WARNING: This article contains some graphic images that may disturb some readers. Discretion is advised. To read original article on go here.

Dana’s daughter’s colt had a horrible wound from what they believed to be a brown recluse spider bite. The antibiotics that the vet prescribed were not working and the wound was now opening up and you could see right into the insides of the horse’s neck, very scary. Dana was praying and asking God for a solution when charcoal came to her mind and she called to see if we thought that the charcoal would help. Guess what we told her? If you said “yes!’ then you are right. =) It is said that a picture is a worth 1000 words and it certainly is true in this case. Let me share with you the sequence of the pictures but first an email from Dana: We can't thank you enough for the advice and encouragement you and staff gave us when this first started. The horror stories we heard from others, and the vets telling us that we weren't doing anything more for him then they would didn't leave us much hope. It was encouraging the success stories that you all had told me, and the confidence you had in the charcoal, took away our concerns. Thank you all so much. I will keep sending photos so you can see his progress. And a final email from Dana: Hello, Kimberly, this photo was taken this past weekend. We are so thankful for your product, and prayers. We are amazed at how great it looks. We honestly thought he wouldn't have any hair grow back on it. I'm glad this can help people. Dana Please note, when dealing with wounds and burns, we recommend using colloidal silver in place of the water. Dana and her vet are big fans of colloidal silver so she already had some on hand and was excited to learn that replacing the water with colloidal silver was the preferred method in this case. However, if you do not have the colloidal silver, make the gel with the pure water, it will still work. Morning and evening, Dana and/or her daughter would flush the wound by spraying the wound heavily with the colloidal silver before re-packing the wound with fresh charcoal gel. For more info about animals & infected wounds, click here. [caption id="attachment_1771" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Click here to order VetDtox on our website[/caption] Video and recipe on making a charcoal poultice: [embed][/embed]
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