What Happens When You Brush Your Teeth With Activated Charcoal Powder?
Just in from a new customer who shared his friend's recent experience at the dentist's office with me:
Sitting in the chair while the dentist was examining her teeth, the dentist straightened himself up and inquired with great perplexity "what in the WORLD are you doing?  I have NEVER seen such clean teeth in my entire life!"
Of of course you know the answer!  She had been brushing her teeth with our activated charcoal powder.teeth
Now, how cool is that!
Of course you can safely use any of our food grade activated charcoal powders on a wet toothbrush or on top of your toothpaste, or you can try one of our tooth pastes. Charcoal Toothpaste and Charcoal Tooth Powder. Activated charcoal is great for oral health, pain & teeth whitening.  You can also easily add activated charcoal to oil pulling & make your own DIY toothpaste.
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