Odor Control

Using activated charcoal products for odor control, body odor, bad breath & more

  1. Q & A: About Pure Non-Scents Face Masks (MCS)

    Q & A: About Pure Non-Scents Face Masks (MCS)
    I answered this customer who wrote in with a lot of questions in regard to our face masks. After you have taken a look at the masks, perhaps you might have some of the same questions as Mike did, so I am posting them here for you.  Hope this helps! Kimberly _____ He was asking about both the masks available here...
  2. Mother Earth Living "Natural Odor Eater: Activated Charcoal" - by John Dinsley

    Mother Earth Living "Natural Odor Eater: Activated Charcoal" - by John Dinsley
    I am happy to announce that the 3rd Mother Earth Living Blog post by John is now live, Natural Odor Eater: Activated Charcoal. Learn how Activated charcoal can be used for: Gas Bad Breath Body Odor Wound Dressing And while you are there Like Mother Earth Living blog. Natural Odor Eater: Activated Charcoal

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