Q: Hello- is your charcoal toothpaste safe for pregnancy? I’m 10 weeks pregnant and really would like to use a charcoal toothpaste for teeth whitening….is the one you sell safe for pregnancy? Or do you have any other recommendations? Thanks so much. Kindest Regards, Vanessa
A: Hi Vanessa, congratulations on your pregnancy. :)
You can also make your own, which just two or three ingredients, it doesn't get much safer than that. Go to this link and then scroll down till you see 'Natural Teeth Whitener & Toothpaste Recipe'
We do not believe charcoal [activated charcoal] CURES any disease common to man or animals. Charcoal is a natural remedy that does neutralize, adsorb, and/or remove thousands of different biological or man-made poisons from the body, allowing the body to better heal itself the way the Creator designed it to. Charcoal House LLC.
[But our websites, and hundreds of personal testimonies and research articles have gone a long ways to "cure" a lot of skeptics]