Dogs, Chocolate & Activated Charcoal

Every year around the holidays there is a high demand for chocolate. We indulge in it, use it for baking and so forth, but although darker chocolates are being touted as health food for people, it is not healthy for dogs. Jill and her husband Jim, just stopped in at Charcoal House the other day to pick up stocking stuffers and she reminded us of how our activated charcoal saved the life of her Cairn Terror.  This little dog ate a huge dark chocolate bar that was 80% cacao. The darker the chocolate the more poisonous it is for dogs.  When Jill discovered what had happened to her precious friend he was vomiting and so she quickly drove over to Charcoal House to pick up some VetDtox Activated Charcoal Powder, which she quickly mixed with wet cat food (when in an emergency, always mix the charcoal powder with something that you know your pet will eat on their death bed!) In less than 30 minutes, her little Scottish pup had sprung back to life and the crisis was completely over. Just one more reason why you should always have activated charcoal on hand for all those unexpected emergencies that do ‘not’ have to end on a sad note. Remember: when you are prepared for life at its worst, you can more easily enjoy life at its best! Kimberly
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