Activated charcoal for life’s little emergencies

The holidays are upon us and folks are traveling by land, air and sea in great numbers and I hope that they are taking their activated charcoal with them for life’s little emergencies and holiday tummy upsets! I actually do travel domestically and internationally with my charcoal powders but I know that this is not always convenient for some.  Plus I must admit that it concerns me that one of these times some dutiful security person will open up one of my charcoal jars and get it all over my suitcase and them.  It has never happened but it does cross my mind…… Anyway, if you don’t want to stress about the possible mess or of bringing charcoal powder into someone else’s home, just use the capsules, it is as easy as that. Below we have created a simple video for you so that you will know exactly how many charcoal capsules it will take to make a ¼  to a full teaspoon or tablespoon. Let us know if you found this helpful! Happy Holidays!! [embed][/embed]
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