
  1. Summertime Charcoal Essentials

    Summertime Charcoal Essentials
    Summer is just around the corner and with it often comes an increase of bumps, scrapes, and bruises on bare skin.  For the most part, these are just brief owies that are soon forgotten, but sometimes they turn into something much worse, such as an infection that refuses to heal.
  2. Charcoal House Sale & New Products

    Charcoal House Sale & New Products
    We have New Products & we have a sale going on, check it out.
  3. What Is The Difference Between All Your Charcoal Powders?

    What Is The Difference Between All Your Charcoal Powders?
    We are often asked, “What are the differences, if any, between the activated charcoals that you carry?”
  4. Newsletter December 2017 - Testimonials - Activated Charcoal

    Newsletter December 2017 - Testimonials - Activated Charcoal
    Newsletter December 2017 Newsletter: Here we are, almost at the threshold of yet another new year, a time to reflect on our blessings and reconcile with our losses. Truly we are grateful for you, and we thank our longtime faithful customers and our newest ones as well. Thank you for your loyalty, for choosing us as your source for quality...
  5. Newsletter: Grand Opening

    Newsletter: Grand Opening
    First of all, Welcome! Grand opening of our newest website, which is also our namesake:! Grand opening You can check out our 2017 Newsletter for more information about our new website here. And remember to share our news, share our blog post & share our website, so that your friends will also discover the amazing world of activated charcoal! And...
  6. Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?

    Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This?
    Newsletter: Did You Know Charcoal Could Do This? Activated Charcoal Newsletter: 1000 applications today, a 1001 tomorrow!  This quote from the book has certainly come true. Activated Charcoal is now having its day in the sun, where many companies and entrepreneurs are seeing the value of this humble remedy, which is truly super natural.   YOU'LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED HERE! From facial...
  7. The 19th Issue of Charcoal Times Newsletter July 2016

    The 19th Issue of Charcoal Times Newsletter July 2016
    July 2016 Newsletter SUMMER GREETINGS & A WARM WELCOME to the Nineteenth Issue of CharcoalTimes, a courtesy newsletter of and Head on Over & see whats new, read new stories, personal stores & uses of charcoal. Read the latest research & news in the use of activated charcoal. Learn about our wide variety of charcoal products. And so...

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