Everything you want to know in your search for information on Activated Charcoal & Activated Carbon. From real life stories, to how to do it yourself & research
Discover how a former heroin junkie, used activated charcoal to alleviate his withdrawal symptoms without the need of Methadone How to Quit Heroin the Easy Way Without Methadone. OK, it’s not that easy, but I quit without going through those gnarly withdrawals. So you’re going to say I wasn’t really addicted, right? I was an everyday user for over a...
What does it mean when a baby has Colic? Colic is a condition in which there is severe pain in the abdomen caused by an intestinal obstruction or painful gas and is most commonly seen with babies and/or children. How to calm a baby with Colic? Baby sleeping on the arm of his father's hand, position to help colic Many...
Late last fall I started to notice decay on my canine teeth along the gum line. As an early teen, I was told by my dentist that I had soft teeth and I had to take care of them more diligently than the average bear, but I had become lax in regard to my beverages. I had been drinking kombucha...
One of our webmasters emailed us sharing his experience in using Activated Charcoal for IBS. Chris Comes Across an Article that can help his Friend's Mother with IBS Hey Charcoal Family, I just had a crazy experience that I wanted to share. One of my friends mentioned that his Mom was sick. She had been throwing up for 8 days...
Marie called today wondering if activated charcoal would work for genital herpes. Customers have graciously shared with us that they have used activated charcoal for herpes with great success. Remember, activated charcoal is anti fungal and anti bacterial, therefore its a good weapon against herpes symptoms. We recognize the fact that Herpes is a virus, however, we also know from...
Can I reactivate my charcoal? The simple answer is yes, activated charcoal can be regenerated and of course people are interested in knowing how. First, let's start at the beginning as to how charcoal is activated. How is Charcoal Activated ? There are two basic methods of activation - steam or chemical activation. Steam Activated Charcoal Steam-activation is primarily used...
What are Dust Mites? Dust mites are microscopic organisms that live in household dust. They can work their way into many soft areas of your home such as pillows, blankets, mattresses, carpet, stuffed animals, pet beds and more. They thrive on flakes of shed human and pet skin. Dust Mites and Household Allergies Droppings produced by Dust Mites are typically...
We do not believe charcoal [activated charcoal] CURES any disease common to man or animals. Charcoal is a natural remedy that does neutralize, adsorb, and/or remove thousands of different biological or man-made poisons from the body, allowing the body to better heal itself the way the Creator designed it to. Charcoal House LLC.
[But our websites, and hundreds of personal testimonies and research articles have gone a long ways to "cure" a lot of skeptics]