Question: Hi,
Which charcoal would you recommend for fridge odor removal? More specifically it will need to be placed in a breathable plastic container.Pure Non-Scents 2qt 2lb jar 5 Sachets UPC609613486760
Many Thanks,  Rosie
Hi Rosie,
 We would recommend The Pure NonScents, you can also put it in the provided sachet bags.
Hi Kimberly,
Thanks for the reply, this looks more like a powder?  Is this the size you would recommend is the most effective, in comparison to larger granular sizes? I'm assuming the bags don't allow any of the charcoal to come out?
Many Thanks, Rosie
Hi Rosie. As to your question as to the effectiveness.  Yes, they will both work, but the Pure NonScents is the one that we recommend for your application as it will work faster.
The bags are not super tight, they will allow some of the charcoal fragments to come out when they are tossed around in the fridge, but easily wipe up. We are in the process of switching over to another bag.
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