Hi Kimberly, Please send me the link/info about the kidney story. Thank you. Lori Hi Lori. Here is the page that has charcoal/kidney info on it. Here is the link to Mr. P's testimony with kidney disease. Here is another Diabetes & Kidney testimony by Dr. John Clark and his wife Julie that you may find interesting.the-feels Here is the link for several health conditions that you might find useful. The book Charcoal Remedies.com, is an invaluable resource and a fun ready as well, I encourage to check it out. CharcoalRemedies.com website is our info site. CharcoalTimes.com is our blog And BuyActivatedCharcoal.com is our product site. I hope this helped. If choose to move forward with charcoal as a natural remedy, please keep us posted! Other blog posts you might enjoy; Kind regards, Kimberly
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