SAVE 10% USE COUPON CODE:SUPER-IZE (Good for all Agricultural Products except Super Sacks)

Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus is BACK & ON SALE! A biochar inoculated with beneficial soil microorganisms and enriched substrates, Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus helps bind organic toxins (such as herbicides) from soil to provide a safer environment for new or existing root systems. Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus provides the following plant health benefits:
  • Improved Soil Drainage
  • More Neutral pH
  • Reduced Soil Compaction
  • Increased Nutrient Cycling
  • Greater Retention of Water In Dry Soils
  • Improved Germination
  • Improved Plant Resistance To Fungal Disease, Root Feeding Nematodes and Insect Infestations
Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus is made by a team of horticultural professionals that specialize in the production and use of carbon-based soil amendments. With six years of field research in turf and agricultural applications, these products have made numerous achievements in crop health and productivity. Effects of Biochar Plus on a yield of Irish Potato, Sweet Corn, and Tomato:
  • 10% increase in Sweet Corn yield
  • 30 lb./acre savings in nitrogen for Irish Potatoes
  • 22% increase in Tomato yield at the end of the season
  • 51% increase in Tomato yield at first pick
Great for organic gardeners who want to restore soil damaged by chemical treatments. Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus is the perfect turf supplement for golf greens. SUPER PUMPKINS Actual customer testimonial: "This year we started out growing Giant Pumpkins on new soil. The soil was poor and sandy so we needed to improve it a lot. One of the things we used, and with much success, was the Charcoal Green® Biochar Plus.  We feel that using this product was part of our success in transforming the soil into the healthy and fertile patch of land we needed. Resulting in 4 big fruit, a 426 lbs pumpkin, a 546 lbs pumpkin, and to top it off our South Carolina state record fruit of 1,164 lbs."
Soil D•Tox™ Super Sack Special. From time to time we are able to purchase large lots of Powder or Granular Activated Charcoal. These only come in large Gaylord Super Sacks (approximately 1 cubic yard in volume) that hold 660lbs up to 1,1000lbs. These items are only available on a first come first serve basis and we do not offer these products at discount prices once the LOT is sold.
Only $644.49 | Reg. $1445.00 (More than 55% OFF!) Plus $200 flat rate shipping (contiguous US states only)

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