
  1. Application rate for Biochar Mixed Granular in the Garden

    Application rate for Biochar Mixed Granular in the Garden
    Gardening & using Biochar Mixed Granular. Question: Hi. What is the recommended application rate in the garden for Biochar Mixed granular? Thanks, Glen Answer: Hi, great question! Please refer to our application info copied below. ( Also found on the item page here Charcoal Green® PURE BIOCHAR MIXED under the Technical Data Tab). Thank you, Charcoal House LLC PURE BIOCHAR...
  2. What is Activated Charcoal?

    What is Activated Charcoal?
    Have you wondered "What is Activated Charcoal?" If you are reading our blog or doing research & thinking, What is Activated Charcoal? Then you have come to the right place for the answer. Go here: "What is Activated Charcoal?" and read all the great info & let us know what you think. Learn about the different kinds of charcoal, how it works, how...

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