
  1. Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease

    Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease
    Hi Kimberly, Please send me the link/info about the kidney story. Thank you. Lori Hi Lori. Here is the page that has charcoal/kidney info on it. Here is the link to Mr. P's testimony with kidney disease. Here is another Diabetes & Kidney testimony by Dr. John Clark and his wife Julie that you may find interesting. Here is the...
  2. Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease, Pain, Infection and more

    Q and A: Using Activated Charcoal for Kidney Disease, Pain, Infection and more
    Question: Hi, do you have any information/links on using activated charcoal for kidney health, kidney disease, pain in kidney's, kidney infection & other issues with kidney's? -David Answer:  Hi David. You can find charcoal testimonies for kidneys on our site charcoalremedies such as this one on kidney disease. Here is Dr. Clark's testimony of a patient he had with Diabetes & Kidney...

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