
  1. Our Dog and Charcoal - Malignant Melanoma

    Our Dog and Charcoal - Malignant Melanoma
    Our Dog and Charcoal. Greetings and a thank you for your website and products. About our dog: We wanted to briefly share a story with you re: our dog Zoe and charcoal. Zoe had been diagnosed with malignant melanoma near her jaw and it was growing rapidly--close to doubling in a week. Our wonderful vet 'debulked' the tumor but could...
  2. Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.

    Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.
    Question: Hi, I’m a firm believer in activated charcoal  We just cured our dog of bad diarrhea with Charcoal and I believe any stomach problems can be cured with Charcoal. My sister in law has an 11 year old staffie.  He has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer. She has him on a raw diet and using esiac tea...
  3. Question: Charcoal for dog with itchy skin

    Question: Charcoal for dog with itchy skin
    Charcoal question answered. Q: I am new to the benefits of charcoal.  I was reading about your treatment of your dog.  I have a Lab/Chow mix that has repeated itchy skin with the resulting raw skin areas dew to chewing.  I have taken her to the Vet and we have tried everything.(antibiotics, steroids, anti- fungal, medicated shampoos).  After all that...

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