
  1. Peggy's New Blood Pressure Meds

    Peggy's New Blood Pressure Meds
    Peggy's story Peggy our new housekeeper called and said that although she was on her way over to clean, she was feeling so woozy and nauseous, that she was going to turn back and go home. She had just come from the doctor and he had given her a prescription for high blood pressure that she took right away and...
  2. Q and A: Taking Activated charcoal while taking Medication for Epilepsy

    Q and A: Taking Activated charcoal while taking Medication for Epilepsy
    Question: Hi, My husband takes tegratol, which controls his epilepsy. is there any way possible he can use AC with his condition? he can NOT have a seizure or he will lose his driver's license. TIA Answer: Hi, I am not familiar with all the various medications. There are a number of meds that people take only once a day. These...
  3. Question: Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines?

    Question: Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines?
    Charcoal question answered. Question: Hi, Is there a suggested time frame to space charcoal from other medicines? I'm concerned about the impact the charcoal would have on the medicine in the digestive system at the same time. I'm a big believer in the benefits of charcoal but want to ensure it doesn't detract from the full impact of necessary medicine...

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