Kimberly Dinsley

  1. How Many Capsules to Make a...?

    How many Charcoal Capsules does it take to make a teaspoon? How many charcoal capsules to make a tablespoon?
  2. A Chili Experience With Charcoal

    A Chili Experience With Charcoal
    Chili, also affectionately referred to as PT, ‘Princess Trouble,’ was sitting forlorn outside our back door next to a huge mess, she had just vomited. I had just arrived home from grocery shopping and knew instinctively that my husband was in the house cleaning up more messes and had set her outside. One Sick Kitty I had noticed late in the...
  3. Charcoal Detox Protocol

    Charcoal Detox Protocol
    Often, we are asked for a protocol for a general detoxing with charcoal and also specifically for detoxing from mercury amalgams. Please note that though we are not physicians, nor do we have any medical background as such, I can share with you my personal story of using the Detox and Cleanse Activated Charcoal Powder and how it helped with...
  4. Charcoal For The Hunt

    Charcoal For The Hunt
    It's that time of year to gear up in preparation for the hunting season. We think it is time to touch base and remind our followers of tried and true methods of scent blocking with Activated Charcoal, Use Coupon Code HUNT10 to SAVE 10% on Any Coconut Ultra Fine Powder. Code is valid until Midnight on November 3rd, 2019 The...
  5. Charcoal in Terrariums

    Charcoal in Terrariums
    Terrariums are a beautiful and unique approach to decorating your living space. They are also fun to create. Don't let your creation go to waste by forgetting to use activated charcoal in your display. What Does it Take to Make a Well Crafted Terrarium First and foremost it's easy. Know the plants you are dealing with. Doing your research to...
  6. Activated Charcoal and Athletes

    Activated Charcoal and Athletes
    Athletes have to stay on top of their game at all times. Activated charcoal has amazing natural properties to keep everyone's body working the way it was created to. Whether we are talking about an athlete's diet or nutrition, training, or anything in between, it's all considered in keeping them ready to compete. Diet and Nutrition Water purification It is...
  7. Get Skunked?

    Get Skunked?
    Check out these short testimonials on how activated charcoal helped relieve the stink from skunks around the home and with pets. Who knew it could be so easy! Using Granular Activated Charcoal for Getting Rid of the Stink in or out of the Home Kelly in Indiana writes: “Last November, my dog Abby was sprayed by a skunk as he...

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