One of our favorite testimonies comes from a pastor down in the south. I find myself sharing his story about once a week with someone to give them hope and courage. It has been several years now since I first talked to Pastor David.  He shared how at first he was being treated for acid reflux, but when he had a severe attack and ended up in the emergency room, he was told the bad news that he had pancreatic cancer.  The doctor told him that he needed surgery and even with the surgery, it would probably only give him about six months. David said that he needed to pray about whether to have the surgery or not to which the doctor replied, "you can do so on your way to the receptionist's desk, as you get yourself checked in." Pastor David is a man of prayer, and he went home instead to bring his concerns to his Heavenly Father and to this day, he is so glad that he did. Pastor David started to do all the research he could on pancreatic cancer. He discovered charcoal and read John’s book, Charcoal, The Complete Handbook On Medicinal Charcoal. He called us and placed an order for a very large amount of the coconut shell very fine activated charcoal powder. At first he started taking the charcoal orally, but because his stomach was so compromised, it was causing too much constipation, so instead, he began to apply charcoal topically, for charcoal has the ability to draw toxins from deep tissue. Charcoal PoulticeHe made large poultices to cover his entire trunk. In time, his wife made a vest out of natural diapers, in the design basically like a life vest, that you wear to protect yourself from drowning, or a traffic safety vest, that they wear when directing traffic. He would make a large amount of the charcoal jelly, apply it liberally to the inside of the vest, then press it on his front and back trunk and tie it securely with tabs he had his wife sewn on for him, and then he would call it a night and retire to his bed, knowing that his body heals the most while sleeping. Alternatively, you can also apply the charcoal gel directly to the skin and then apply the vest securely. So, while Pastor David slept the charcoal was busy pulling out toxins and poisons.   Please note that charcoal has no nutritive value whatsoever. Its claim to fame is that it draws out toxins and poisons to itself and because we are fearfully and wonderfully made our bodies, now being rid of major toxins can do what they were designed to do, and that is to heal itself. And that is what happened, Pastor David’s body healed itself. Pastor David not only applied prayer along with his charcoal, but he read all that he could to help his body fight its hardest. In time, David could tell that he was feeling better, so he slowly began to take the charcoal internally, starting with small amounts and carefully increasing. He also gave up meat-eating and eventually became a total vegetarian and learned all that he could about the best possible herbs and their applications for pancreatic cancer. Not only does he now have a large garden in his backyard, he has also educated himself  and others on the dangers of excito-toxins and eats organically as far as possible. Pastor David, now cancer free, is a walking miracle and he gives all thanks and praise to his Heavenly Father who guided him to the use of simple and natural remedies. To this day, Pastor David still applies the above-mentioned charcoal poultice every night to be on the safe side, and he has become quite a charcoal enthusiast! Pastor David now purchases the Detox & Cleanse Activated Charcoal Powder I hope you found this encouraging.  Until next time, may you prosper and be in good health. Kimberly Detox & Cleanse Activated Charcoal Powder