For my PET scan the radioactive drug (tracer) was administered into my vein & then I was inverted feet up for an hour. Then after 60 minutes of being inverted, I was moved to the room where the CAT and PET scan machines were and I was slowly, inch by inch scanned for 45 minutes. I  have had cancer I have been through a couple PET scans before & way too many CAT scans with IV contrast and 32-ounce liquid contrast, that I have lost count.  I hate the whole process and I start to panic because I know that about an hour after the scans, I will have uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting. Patient undergoing CT scan test in the hospitalI have to bring a change of clothes and stay in the hospital until I have it under control, it is horrible and so embarrassing. But then I learned about using activated charcoal powder in water [a charcoal slurry] for nausea. What a difference the activated charcoal made!!! My last CAT scan was in December of 2016 & my last PET scan was in February of this year (2017).  Just minutes after each scan, I drank a quart jar of activated charcoal water which I had prepared earlier at home and placed in my bag. Not only did I not have any of my violent, negative side effects from the scans and contrast drugs, I was actually HUNGRY after drinking the charcoal water and I was enjoying my food less in than a half hour after the scans with no nausea or vomiting! There were absolutely no negative sides effects that I was ever aware of! In case you want to know, I mixed one tablespoon of the DETOX 1600 to one quart of water. CT in TN

Using activated charcoal for PET Scan & CT scan

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