Carbon Cloth

  1. Coronavirus: To Mask or not to Mask, That is the Question

    Coronavirus:  To Mask or not to Mask, That is the Question
    A lot of speculation is going around about whether a mask is needed for the Coronavirus that has seemingly originated in Wuhan, China, along with a lot of conspiracy theories that are all over the web. What is the Coronavirus anyway? A Brief History on the Coronavirus For starters, from the little research that I have done, it is a...
  2. Activated Charcoal and Athletes

    Activated Charcoal and Athletes
    Athletes have to stay on top of their game at all times. Activated charcoal has amazing natural properties to keep everyone's body working the way it was created to. Whether we are talking about an athlete's diet or nutrition, training, or anything in between, it's all considered in keeping them ready to compete. Diet and Nutrition Water purification It is...

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