charcoal poultice

  1. Activated Charcoal for Leaky Gut

    Activated Charcoal for Leaky Gut
    Frank Writes In I am re-learning charcoal usage. I have leaky gut. Most of the time I get sick after I eat. I am not on any medications. I think Detox 1600 will help? If so how much, how often can I take it? -Frank  Kimberly's Response to Leaky Gut and Using Activated Charcoal Charcoal has been very helpful with those...
  2. Home Remedies Demonstration Videos on CharcoalRemedies

    Home Remedies Demonstration Videos on CharcoalRemedies
    Home Remedies Demonstration Videos These videos include simple treatments that use materials that can be found in every home. Charcoal Poultices, a Hot Foot Bath, Heating Compresses, Steam Inhalation, Hot Packs, Fomentations, and a simple Light Treatment, are some of the simple home remedies you can use effectively for many common ailments without resorting to poisonous drugs. Check out all...
  3. Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes

    Activated Charcoal poultices for Eyes
    Using activated charcoal poultices for eyes improving eye sight

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