
  1. Q & A: Dental infections from implants and bone grafting (How to use Activated Charcoal?)

    Q & A: Dental infections from implants and bone grafting (How to use Activated Charcoal?)
    I really would need your advice.
  2. Q & A: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe

    Q & A: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe
    Question: I have purchased ...freedhem...for hemorrhoid treatment in the past and found it quickly effective. Now I cannot find it anyplace for sale. Please help asap. Mary Answer: Hi Mary, FreeDhem is no longer available, it no longer being manufactured, long story..... Anyway, there is hope!   and follow the recipe below: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe You will...
  3. Activated Charcoal Testimony: Taking Charcoal for Chemical Reaction

    Activated Charcoal Testimony: Taking Charcoal for Chemical Reaction
    Mailed to us from Gwen I had some men spray inside my house and the first day my eyes were shining like glass and my arms felt strangely soft. I tried drinking a lot of water thinking that it would get out of my system, but I was getting worse, I now had a burning in my chest. I went...
  4. Q & A: Bone Char order UK - Filtering Fluoride

    Q & A: Bone Char order UK - Filtering Fluoride
    Question: Hello. I would like to buy some Bone Char from your website, would you mind answering a few questions first please? The Bone Char is needed to filter Fluoride from a domestic UK Tap water supply.  What size grain do you recommend, 20x60 or 8x24?  Can I make my own water filter by filling some Muslin cloth with the...
  5. Q and A: Using the Activated Carbon Cloth as exercise mat to protect from MCS

    Q and A: Using the Activated Carbon Cloth as exercise mat to protect from MCS
    Activated Carbon Cloth for exercise mat & Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) Question: I have MCS and, when lying on the floor for exercise classes, I react badly to the stuff they clean the floor with.  I think the activated carbon looks promising.  Could you please confirm that it would be suitable for this purpose and would protect me from fumes from the...
  6. Q & A: Constipation resulting from treating the liver with charcoal

    Q & A: Constipation resulting from treating the liver with charcoal
    Question:  hello sir, This is Josephine. I wrote you sometimes about my brother-in-law in Nigeria with liver problem.Thank you for your mail, its indeed helpful but I need clarification on one issue. it seems the charcoal drink is making it difficult for him to pass excreta. he finds it difficult to easy himself. sometimes its take three to four days...
  7. Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.

    Q and A: 11 year old Staffordshire that has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer.
    Question: Hi, I’m a firm believer in activated charcoal  We just cured our dog of bad diarrhea with Charcoal and I believe any stomach problems can be cured with Charcoal. My sister in law has an 11 year old staffie.  He has been diagnosed with liver and spleen cancer. She has him on a raw diet and using esiac tea...

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