
  1. Video - Activated Charcoal: a Natural Remedy

    Video - Activated Charcoal: a Natural Remedy
    Check out this video on activated charcoal John Dinsley and Christine Salter (M.D.), discuss some of the amazing uses and benefits of activated charcoal as a simple natural remedy. Brought to you by from For more videos from click here
  2. Q & A: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe

    Q & A: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe
    Question: I have purchased ...freedhem...for hemorrhoid treatment in the past and found it quickly effective. Now I cannot find it anyplace for sale. Please help asap. Mary Answer: Hi Mary, FreeDhem is no longer available, it no longer being manufactured, long story..... Anyway, there is hope!   and follow the recipe below: Charcoal Remedies Amazing Hemorrhoid Relief Recipe You will...
  3. Lets Share, Activated Charcoal & You

    Lets Share, Activated Charcoal & You
    Activated Charcoal, Lets get Started!! Welcome to our Blog, this is the perfect way to find information on how other use Activated Charcoal & to share your stories  with us. Find out more than you ever thought you could about Activated Charcoal. This site is for information purposes. When folks who have just learned about charcoal call me and start...

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