Natural Wasp Sting Relief Testimonial.

Winter is setting in upon NW Nebraska and this means the usual bugs and critters are getting a little lethargic in the cold weather.  It is not uncommon to find a stray wasp slowly working its way up a wall or across the floor in our home.  What is not so common is to find them stinging your 7-month-old daughter while she is eating in her high chair.
My wife exclaimed that a wasp had stung our baby girl
This is exactly what happened a few days ago.  I heard a blood-curdling scream from my 7-month-old daughter and ran into the kitchen.  My wife exclaimed that a wasp had stung our baby girl and sure enough right on her arm was a puncture hole and it had already turned red and was about the size of a quarter.  I exclaimed, “Get some charcoal on it!”, and started frantically searching for my tin of charcoal salve.  I couldn’t find it immediately, but suddenly I remembered we had just developed a new larger, charcoal salve stick and I quickly pulled it out of my work backpack and tried to rub it on the wound, but it was cold and a little stiff. My wife said, “melt it in your hand” so I rubbed it into the palm of my hand and within seconds it was warm and pliable enough to apply to the sting. We put a good amount of charcoal salve where she had been stung and the area surrounding the tiny puncture wound and watched her closely.  After a few minutes and a little frozen banana, she stopped crying and was back to her happy, smiling self.  We kept a close eye on her, as this was the first time she had ever been stung and we wanted to make sure there was no adverse reaction on her part of which obviously there was not. We are so grateful we had the charcoal on hand to pull out the bio-toxins from the wasp sting and we were spared from a trip to the doctor, possibly the hospital. Be sure to keep your charcoal stick handy for life's little emergencies! Charcoal House LLC
Other blog posts on using charcoal for stings: 
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