Your Real Success Stories on using Charcoal

Stories that have been shared with us on the great results from using activated charcoal & charcoal products Activated carbon

  1. Q and A: Activated Charcoal Poultice for Floaters in Eyes

    Q and A: Activated Charcoal Poultice for Floaters in Eyes
    Question: Wow thank you for all your Facebook posts, I never thought of putting charcoal poultices on your eyes! Would they also help floaters in the eyes? I just love all the posts that you share! Thank You for sharing them! Answer: Hi, glad that you are enjoying the posts, please feel free to share any of your charcoal testimonies...
  2. Activated Charcoal for pain management

    Activated Charcoal for pain management
    C-Pain Patches are no longer available for sale, Please see our Charcoal Patches page on our website for possible alternatives. Pain Relief. Below is an email we received from Sharon who suffers daily with physical pain and has found relief with the charcoal patches and I thought our readers might be interested in her experience with activated charcoal as a pain...
  3. Amazing results Brushing Teeth with Activated Charcoal Powder

    Amazing results Brushing Teeth with Activated Charcoal Powder
    What Happens When You Brush Your Teeth With Activated Charcoal Powder? Just in from a new customer who shared his friend's recent experience at the dentist's office with me: Sitting in the chair while the dentist was examining her teeth, the dentist straightened himself up and inquired with great perplexity "what in the WORLD are you doing?  I have NEVER...
  4. I Cured my Terrible Acne with Charcoal Magic Mud tooth powder

    I Cured my Terrible Acne with Charcoal Magic Mud tooth powder
    I Cured my Terrible Acne with Activated Charcoal. Acne Testimonial:  I have seen ZERO mention of it on the Internet as a modality, but I am 100% certain I cured my terrible acne with activated charcoal. I bought My Magic Mud tooth powder at a farmers market two years ago and never used it regularly because it was a mess. About...
  5. Q & A: Using Activated Charcoal for Age Spots

    Q & A: Using Activated Charcoal for Age Spots
    Using Activated Charcoal for Age Spots Q: Do you have information regarding brown (age) spots on the face? Please advise - Donna A: Hi Donna, I have personally used our charcoal soap and taken the charcoal powder for years and it has pretty well wiped out my brown spots. In my early forties I started getting all kinds of brown spots...
  6. The 19th Issue of Charcoal Times Newsletter July 2016

    The 19th Issue of Charcoal Times Newsletter July 2016
    July 2016 Newsletter SUMMER GREETINGS & A WARM WELCOME to the Nineteenth Issue of CharcoalTimes, a courtesy newsletter of and Head on Over & see whats new, read new stories, personal stores & uses of charcoal. Read the latest research & news in the use of activated charcoal. Learn about our wide variety of charcoal products. And so...
  7. Charcoal for Bee Stings

    Charcoal for Bee Stings
    Summer is here!  Barbecues, picnics, hikes, swimming, and bug bites.  Be sure to have your charcoal handy, it should be in all your first aide kits.  Our charcoal salve either in a stick or tin is ideal to have on you 'as soon as you notice you are bitten.'  The charcoal will adsorb the toxin before it has a chance...

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