Kimberly Dinsley

  1. Summertime Charcoal Essentials

    Summertime Charcoal Essentials
    Summer is just around the corner and with it often comes an increase of bumps, scrapes, and bruises on bare skin.  For the most part, these are just brief owies that are soon forgotten, but sometimes they turn into something much worse, such as an infection that refuses to heal.
  2. Charcoal for Cat Urine Smell

    Charcoal for Cat Urine Smell
    Cat Urine Smell in Carpet: Can you tell me if your charcoal would work for this purpose, and how much I would need to buy?
  3. Rainwater filter system

    Rainwater filter system
    Hi, I am building a rainwater filter system using gravity. Basically a barrel (55gal.) with layers of gravel, sand and charcoal to filter the rain water before it goes into storage tank
  4. Charcoal House Sale & New Products

    Charcoal House Sale & New Products
    We have New Products & we have a sale going on, check it out.
  5. What Is The Difference Between All Your Charcoal Powders?

    What Is The Difference Between All Your Charcoal Powders?
    We are often asked, “What are the differences, if any, between the activated charcoals that you carry?”
  6. Questions about Charcoal Patches

    Questions about Charcoal Patches
    Is there any harm done to the patches if they become frozen? How long does one need to wait before applying a new patch?
  7. Remove Allergens and Airborne Molds

    Remove Allergens and Airborne Molds
    Yes, activated charcoal is ideal to remove allergens and airborne molds and no it is not restricted to bamboo activated charcoals. In fact...............

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