Everything Activated Charcoal

Everything you want to know in your search for information on Activated Charcoal & Activated Carbon. From real life stories, to how to do it yourself & research

  1. Q and A: Charcoal powder for juice bars

    Q and A: Charcoal powder for juice bars
    Question: Hi Kimberly! We need AC to blend in with our alkaline water products, so the powder has to be easily resolved in water. What kind of AC powder do you recommend to use in such products? What defines the charcoal to be used in such products? Kindly regards, Pablo Answer: Hi Pablo. Activated charcoal is not soluble, meaning that...
  2. Q and A: Taking Activated charcoal while taking Medication for Epilepsy

    Q and A: Taking Activated charcoal while taking Medication for Epilepsy
    Question: Hi, My husband takes tegratol, which controls his epilepsy. is there any way possible he can use AC with his condition? he can NOT have a seizure or he will lose his driver's license. TIA Answer: Hi, I am not familiar with all the various medications. There are a number of meds that people take only once a day. These...
  3. Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with Activated Charcoal (Real Story)

    Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with Activated Charcoal (Real Story)
    Testimonial on using Activated Charcoal for IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) My elderly mom (81 years) was struggling from IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome) caused by chronic medication side effects. She had a scope and a scan - Specialists and her GP could not help her acute pain and suffering. After almost 8 months as a last resort, we thought what about...
  4. Q and A: How to remove charcoal from shoes and clothes?

    Q and A: How to remove charcoal from shoes and clothes?
    Question: What can I use to get charcoal off my shoes and clothes? Thanks, Diana Answer:  Hi Diana. I have found a non-toxic stain remover that has worked extremely well for me. I had numerous stains on two white towels after taking a charcoal bath. They were inexpensive towels and I thought I will take a chance and see what...
  5. Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth with Crowns and Fillings

    Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth with Crowns and Fillings
    Using Activated Charcoal to Brush Teeth (crowns) Question on Crowns and brushing with charcoal: Hello, I need to know if someone has had work done in his or her mouth, such as bridges, crowns etc… can those persons use activated charcoal to whiten their teeth? Please let me know. Thank you, Serge Answer:  Hi Serge. I have personally had crowns and...
  6. Does Charcoal Adsorb Nutrients, etc....

    Does Charcoal Adsorb Nutrients, etc....
    Does taking charcoal adsorb Nutrients......etc. Question:  Howdy....Wanted to get your opinion on this because I didn't see anything on your site. If the following statement is correct, do you recommend taking a nutritional shake of some sort an hour after taking the Charcoal to replenish what was taken out? Thank you for any clarity on this subject. For a long time there...
  7. Kind words from a Customer, Activated charcoal helped MCS and EHS

    Kind words from a Customer, Activated charcoal helped MCS and EHS
    We love hearing from our customers. And love it even more when they send us emails on how pleased they are. Kind words from a customer who Kimberly helped out. Hi friends, I want to give a heads up to anyone using or considering the use of activated charcoal. First of all, the people working for Charcoal House are very...

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