Charcoal Eye Pad

Macular Degeneration Question: HI, I would like to order charcoal eye pad for my mom. She was recently diagnosed with macular degeneration.  Do you think if this product will bring her some relief? Also does it contain insert able pad with charcoal or will I have to order it separately.? Thanks.  Roman Answer: Hi Roman. We have an amazing testimony where an elderly woman in her late eighties with a very severe case of macular degeneration, used the eye pads and her eye sight improved so much that she is now reading and light gardening again!Macular Degeneration In other words, yes, I do believe it will give your mother some serious relief. The eye pads are complete as is, you do no need to purchase a refill to start with. However, when people have eye diseases, we recommend changing the insert every two months. There is a zipper on the eye pad which allows you to wash the eye pad (not the insert) as needed. Please call if you have further questions, I would be happy to assist you over the phone. Check out some of our other blog posts: Kind regards, Kimberly
Customer Support 308-665-1566

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