Activated Charcoal: Vitamins and Minerals.

Question: Hi,  I bought from your company several months ago 12 oz of activated charcoal powder Detox 1600 USP. And have almost used it all up. My son recently looked up on google and read some of the bad press on consuming activated charcoal. As you well know, there is a lot. So I have questions: - Does activated charcoal adsorb minerals and natural vitamins and if definitely not, please provide proof from third party researchers preferably PHD's. - I have biotoxin illness rather acutely and am on a very strict diet prescribed by "Jennifer" maintainer of the "Surviving Toxic Mold" website. She recommends ingesting charcoal as a detox to be added to those suffering from biotoxin illness. Sincerely Chris in Fl. Answer: Hello Chris I apologize for the long delay in responding. We are over busy. Your question keeps coming up because of all the “experts” who speak as if they are actually qualified, when in fact they just parrot what they have seen on some other site.  Is there research that definitively shows charcoal does or does not bind essential nutrients in any detrimental way? Not that we are aware of. If charcoal does in fact adsorb minerals, vitamins, essential nutrients, how is it that charcoal is used in dialysis machines that weekly help to sustain alive millions of people around the world with severe kidney failure? If charcoal adsorbs essential food elements how is it that research shows that giving daily portions of charcoal to OLD laboratory rats can extend their lives by up to 34% But for starters charcoal has an almost zero attraction for most minerals. Coal-based charcoals do show some attraction for man-made vitamins but only at very high dosages. Unless it is some crooked manufacturer, it is assumed that all charcoal supplements are made from either wood or coconut. Last big clue is: activated charcoal is used by the nutraceutical companies to “polish” their products from different contaminants. If AC depletes vitamins obviously these companies would NOT be using charcoal. As I have asked numerous times, if you can find bona fide research that shows plant-based activated charcoals DO significantly deplete vitamins and minerals from the body, please, please send me the link. I need to stay informed. I hope this is reassuring to you, though the truth seldom changes closed minds. Sincerely John Dinsley Other blog posts on this subject:

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